Saturday 17 November 2012

Goodbye Friend

Goodbye Friend

Goodbye friend
this is it, this is the end
of us- 
no fuss, 
for there's no where left 
for it to go-
 you know, 
it's time,
to part ways
you're always, 
so far away- 
I'll stay away 
from you friend
this it is 
this is the end. 
don't send 
me your words
fly away
and I don't want to stray
and don't smile
you know, 
for me, you are a trial. 
And speak to me not-
I never forgot, 
don't think I ever did
get rid
of the ideas you
you planted in my head
Well read. 
It was nice to share
our ideas, our fears
and our spheres
of existing. 
friend, this is it 
this is the end.